Sediment is a solid material made of minerals that shows up in your tap water. While sediment doesn’t make tap water unsafe to drink, it causes problems for your water heater. Water heater services such as water heater flushing and annual maintenance go a long way toward lessening hard water effects. Keep reading to learn more about the effects of sediment buildup in your water heater.

Sediment Causes Hot Water Issues

Two elements that contribute to sediment buildup include magnesium and calcium. Although each piece of sediment is minuscule, there’s enough in the water that they form a large mound in the bottom of the water heater. The clump of sediment forms an insulating barrier between the water inside the tank and its heating elements. When this happens, the water doesn’t heat as well as it used to. You have problems with inconsistent heating. Sometimes the water doesn’t heat at all. Other times, you might notice the water comes out of the tap boiling, scalding you in the shower or when washing your hands.

Sediment Leads to Frequent Repairs

Too much sediment also causes frequent repairs. You might find that you need to have your heater’s heating elements replaced frequently. Not only do repairs get costly, but they cause a lot of inconvenience.

Sediment Buildup Shortens the Water Heater’s Lifespan

Sediment also affects the water heater’s lifespan. When sediment collects inside the water heater, it causes corrosion and the bottom of the water heater starts to leak. When water heaters develop these kinds of leaks, repair isn’t an option.

The best thing to do for your water is to have it flushed annually to get rid of sediment buildup. The water heater lasts longer, and you get reliable water heating 24/7. For all water heater services in Philadelphia, PA, and surrounding areas, call AirMaster Heating & Cooling Specialists.